What’s Next?

I’m still hard at work with The Mind Thieves, book two in the Mind Readers series. And don’t worry… it will still be out in April, although it will probably be mid-April 🙂 But what’s next??? Well, glad you asked! Up next will be A Night of...

The Mind Thieves: Excerpt 3

“Where you going?” “Bathroom.” I surged to my feet and stumbled over him. Fortunately, Maddox didn’t say a word as I fled down the aisle. This early in the morning, most people were napping. The few who were awake, glanced my way, wondering over my pale face and...

Blogging and Giveaway!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!! I’m doing a pretty nice giveaway over on Magical Musings today! So make sure to run over, read the blog and leave a comment!!!

Cover! The Mind Thieves

Well….. here it is! The cover for The Mind Thieves, book 2 in the Mind Readers series. This cover was produced by the wonderful Harris Channing. I just think that girl is stunning! Love her, who ever she is. Meanwhile, I’m still hard at work so that book 2...

Contact Emails

I’ve have a few emails that I’ve tried to respond to, but for some reason they bounced. So if you have emailed me and didn’t hear back, I tried! Unless you were writing to complain about something, in which case I might have just ignored you. But if...

The Mind Readers! Free!

If you’ve never tried it and you have a kindle, it’s the perfect time to download my (so far only) young adult book, The Mind Readers! All you have to do is head over to Amazon. But the book will only be free for 2 days!!! Friday and Saturday. So get it...


My friend and a fellow author, Harris Channing has a free Ebook on Amazon today and tomorrow, The Demon is in the Details! But it’s only free today and tomorrow, so get it while you can! Want to know more? Read the blurb below! Stella Campbell has come back to...

Amazon Prime

As you may or may not know, To Seduce an Earl was free for a few days last week on Amazon. How was this possible? Because I signed the book up to be in Amazon’s KDP Select. What is KDP select? If you sign up for this special program, the author has the...

3 Days Only!

For three days only, my historical romance, To Seduce an Earl (Rated R) is free on Amazon! Yes, even Amazon UK, Amazon Germany and any other Amazon out there. But its for 3 days only!!! Get your Ecopy, tell your friends, have a parade! Do whatever you want, but you...

Magical Musings

I’m at Magical Musings today and giving away 2 Ecopies of my newest release, The Demon Hunter (rated R)! Stop by and say hello for your chance to win!