In case you haven’t noticed, I have a variety of free stories up and about. Which books?
Love Letters, which has two short stories, both historical romance.
Smashword Link
B&N Link
Smashword Link
B&N Link
And just recently, the Ghost Hunter, a full length contemporary paranormal and the first book in a series, has been marked free. The second book, Demon Hunter, will be out in a couple weeks!
Smashwords Link
B&N Link
You can find all three stories free on Itunes/Apple, Barnes and Noble and Smashword. Why not Amazon? Well, because Amazon won’t let an author mark their own book as free. They find the freebie and price match it. Even though I have told them they’re free elsewhere, they have yet to mark them down. But funny enough, Love Letters is actually free on Amazon UK.
So, if you’d like to get them free on Amazon, I suggest emailing Amazon to let them know. On the book’s Amazon page, there is a link you can click on that says “Tell us about a lower price.” All you have to do is put in the lower price and the link to it. Hopefully Amazon will lower all three soon. Until then, if you have a kindle, you’ll have to head over to Smashwords for a free download.