Some people don’t realize that those embracing couples you see on romance covers are actually real people. That’s right, models come into a studio, they’re dressed and photographed. Then an artist takes those photos and makes a cover out of them, either by painting or more likely now, computer animation.
Fellow Kensington author Kimberly Killion is super talented when it comes to computer designs. For awhile now she’s been doing websites and bookmark designs for authors. Well, just recently she hired some models so she could make her own stock designs for book covers. I’ll most likely be hiring her for my next self published covers. But, if you want you to see how a photo becomes a cover, go to her site here. The transformation that takes place is pretty interesting. I have no clue how she does it, but I’m impressed! She also has photos of her models on her facebook page, in case you’re curious.
I just find the whole process so interesting, so thought I’d share!
P.S. I’m over at Romance Roundtable today and giving away two copies of The Ghost Hunter!