First, I want to thank everyone who has emailed me about my books. You don’t know what a thrill it is to receive positive feedback. When I worked in the Museum they told us that the thing you’ll hear most often is negative feedback. I’m sure those of you who work understand that. Well, for an author it’s the same. Often it seems like we hear mostly negativity. So when a reader takes the time to write an encouraging email or review, you don’t know how much we appreciate it!
With that said…. I’ve gotten more emails about The Mind Readers than all of my other books put together. Everyone wants to know about a book 2! There will be 3 books in all, although book 1 is only available right now.
As you may remember, awhile back I mentioned that I signed with a new agent. I did this because I had gotten such an amazing response for The Mind Readers and I’ve had quite a few people ask me if it will ever be in print. An agent would be able to try to sell it to a N.Y. Publisher who would put it in print and get the book to more readers. An agent would also be able to sell overseas rights and movie rights. How cool would a Mind Readers movie be?!!!!
So this week my agent sent The Mind Readers to N.Y. It’s with quite a few editors. If someone buys the book, they will publish the series. If it doesn’t sell to N.Y., no need to worry, I’ll still self publish book 2 and 3.
The N.Y. version actually has a few minor changes; added info, added scenes. Nothing major, but just a little extra. If it doesn’t sell, I’ll upload the new version as well.
I’d love for it to sell to N.Y. because it would be in print and Ebook format, it would get to a lot more people and I’d have a better chance at Overseas and Movie sales. But if it doesn’t sell, that’s fine too! Book 2 and 3 will still be available sometime in the future. They’re all planned out, by the way, so I do know what will happen! Oh, and to let you know…. just recently I sold the Ebook rights to Brazil! The Mind Readers’ first overseas sale!