I was SUPER reader. That’s how I started. I found such fun within the pages of Kathleen Woodiwiss, Joanna Lindsey, Jude Deveraux (to name a few greats from the 70’s and early 80’s). And then it happened. I tried reading a really wacked plot and told my hubby I could even write better t

And he dared me!
What do you write?
Historical Romance! All the way!
How long were you writing before you sold?
Two decades and two. 22 years. Geez. That makes me feel old!
Tell us about your first sale, “the call” and the first book you sold?
It was Lady of the Knight. March 2004. 8:30 am. (They rushed it out seven months later!) I was a Postal Manager and at work. I’d just called the crew together – over the loud speaker – for a safety talk I had to give. The phone rang while they assembled. When my agent asked if I had time for her, I handed the talk to my supervisor to start without me, and told Elizabeth, “For you, I always have time.” When she told me it was Kensington, I told her I had to sit down now. (I did. I was shaking). When I whooped at the end of the call, I was plenty loud, too. Pretty much interrupted that talk!
Do you have a favorite book you’ve written, or a favorite hero/heroine?
My upcoming one, set for 2010: THE KNIGHT AND WHITE SATIN. (That’s the title at the moment, anyway.) It’s thoroughly amazing. I’ve read it through seven times since I wrote it, and it’s still amazing. I don’t know how I wrote it. –took me 8 days, BTW. My hero’s name is Payton Alexander Dunn-Fadden. My heroine is Dallis Caruth.
What’s your writing schedule like?
Ah-oh. I’ll have to confess. I’m really “bad Jackie”. I do research, read history books, pore over castle pictures, watch castle and knight documentaries…envision my opening scene…the hero and heroine…their physical characteristics and mannerisms…in short, I do everything BUT write. And before I know it a deadline looms, and I panic. Bad Jackie. A couple of weeks later, I have a book. I don’t know how it works, it just does. (It’s emotionally exhausting, too)
Where do you get your ideas?
I am clueless, except for all the down-time I just described. That’s when they must be building.
Do you plan out your books? Do you plot ahead of time?
Plan? Me? Heck, no. I haven’t even unwrapped the last two years of planners I got. I stay “in-the-moment” until I’m ready to type. And I haven’t got a clue what is going to happen or how. It just does.
Who are you favorite authors/favorite books?
From when I was a reader (circa 70’s and early 80’s – and I still have the first editions on all these)
Joanna Lindsey – FIRES OF WINTER
Jude Devereaux – The “VELVET” series, and BLACK LYON.
Kathleen Woodiwiss – THE WOLF AND THE DOVE.
What do you do when you’re not writing?
I do research stuff…and needlework. I’m a bona-fide counted cross-stitch addict. It’s beyond the point where I need therapy. My hubby is just grateful my threads are only $.33 each – but I have all the colors. And all kinds and counts of fabrics, and patterns, and… I’m addicted. It probably shows!
What advice can you give aspiring writers?
Never give up. Ever. Just keep submitting and honing your craft. And then keep submitting some more. Getting published takes four things:
1 – talent
2 – persistence
3 – timing
4 – luck.
All it takes is your writing in the right hands at the right time. Period.
I had well over 300 rejections. Well over. I had to cease counting and toss them. The bad Karma was too big. Do you know how many people told me to give up? Me either.
Give us your first line (or a favorite line) from your current work in progress and/or a blurb?
How about one that’s already done – since I’m not in progress on much. (ha-ha)
Here is the opener from KNIGHT AND WHITE SATIN:
The spoils always went to the victor.
Where can we find you on the web?
And I’m teaching a historical research class for LOW County RWA this month!
I can’t believe you can actually sit and actually write the book in a few weeks…AMAZING
Omg! I think there is another one out there like me. Your process sounds like mine, although I’m not sure I could sit down and write a book in a few weeks. Once Spring semester is over I’m sure as heck going to try. I need to have it done and ready before RWA nationals.
You’ve just inspired me and encouraged me.
A few weeks is crazy for writing a book! But I admit I do work better under pressure too. In college I was the person writing the ten page paper the night before it was due.
I was given 9 months to write my second kensington book and i’m having a difficult time getting it done because I have too much time! lol
Terrific interview! I love the story about your call…that must have been an amazing feeling!
I like to do counted cross-stitch too. I have a computer program that will make any picture I have into a cross stitch pattern. It’s pretty cool. I bet you have one too.
Lori, I’m writing my paper now, or I’m supposed to be and it is due today.
Harris, I grew up on cross-stitch. I’ve seen those programs. I think they are cool. I found a cross-stitch book of Celtic design and I’ve decided to do a Celtic theme in my decor once I have the time to stitch. 😉
Wow! It’s amazing that you can write a book in 8 days! And I love the title KNIGHT AND WHITE SATIN. The song is running through my head now. lol
Jackie, your story is inspiring, the fact that you were persistant until you got that call – gives hope to the rest of us. I’m another last minute person to my dismay. Somehow I have all this time and I wait until the last second to get it done. I don’t know what it is, the fact that I “have to” or somehow the challenge of “can I?”. I wonder if that made sense. 😀
That song is now in my head too!
Great interview!
Did you ask Fabio to do one of your book covers? Just kidding.
Fun Interview! I too, use to cross stitch. Your books sound great and I can’t belive you can write them so quickly!
Great interview! I love historicals.
The winner of Jackie’s book is… Renee!
Writing a book in eight days? Impressive!