When I came across Jennifer Haymore‘s beautiful website and read the blurb for her book, A HINT OF WICKED, I immediately emailed, bugging her to interview on my blog. Read the blurb and you’ll understand why I was so adamant she stop by. The book not only sounds interesting and sexy, but completely unique. If you dare, read the excerpt on her site and you’ll be as obsessed as I am! Come June, I’ll definitely be picking up my copy of A Hint of Wicked, but one lucky reader will get a preview now! Read the interview for details.

Join me in welcoming Jennifer to the blog!
Tell us your background in writing, how did you get started? Did you always want to be a writer?

I was homeschooled for a year, in 3rd/4th grades, because in those days we were living on a boat sailing the Pacific Ocean. My mother used to make me write a story a day… I thought it was torture! But I think my creative juices started flowing then. We ended up in Hawaii, and every chance I got, I’d write stories about our adventures on the Pacific. In middle school, my writing took on a fantasy flavor that lasted throughout my early adulthood. I started writing romance in 2004 after my daughter was born. I always wanted to write, but not necessarily be a writer–I never thought it would be possible for something I wrote to be made into an actual book!

What’s your writing schedule like?

I wake up, get the kids ready for school and take them. Come home, get coffee, go through emails. By then it’s usually around 10-10:30. I write like mad until I have to pick up my daughter from school at 12:45. But my really productive time is at night after the kids have gone to bed. Usually I leave the house, find an isolated corner in a bookstore café, turn on my iPod and get lost in the story. I’ll write until 10 or 11 (or until they kick me out of the café!) and then come home, fall into bed, and start over the next day!

Where do you get your ideas?

My husband is my sounding board, but his ideas and perspectives are very raw and very “mannish” . When I’m mulling over a new idea, I usually talk it out with him. Oftentimes we end up arguing (picture a lot of me saying, “Ugh, that is SO unromantic!), but it’s a process that works to help me flesh out characters, plot, and conflict, and I think he helps me develop ideas that are somewhat different since he doesn’t read romance at all. I like big conflicts and so does he, so I like to come up with questions that seem impossible to answer, and then guide my characters to a solution (that sometimes can be painful for the characters but it all works out to a happily ever after in the end!).

For example, in A Hint of Wicked, the huge problem that the characters face is printed on the front cover: “What happens when a woman desires not one man, but two?” At times during the writing of that book, even I wondered if there was an answer! It was a definitely a difficult and painful problem to solve! Fortunately, there was an answer, and it is one that is ultimately fulfilling for all the characters.

Do you plan out your books? Do you plot ahead of time?

I do plan out the books to a certain extent, now that I know I have books contracted in advance. My editors usually like to see the first three chapters and the synopsis before the story is completely written.

As I’m writing one book, usually the kernel of the idea for the next one will pop into my mind. I talk with my husband, and he helps me hash out the idea/concept into something workable. At that point, I go to my computer and start jotting down ideas. I’ll switch off between working out a synopsis and writing the first three chapters for a few weeks. At the end, I have a rough synopsis, which I use as a guideline as I continue to write the book, usually developing it as I go; and three chapters which form the basis for the remainder of the book.

What do you do when you’re not writing?

I hang out with my family. We love just hanging out together, watching movies, reading together, going to sports games… I also have a lifelong love of sailing…since we sold our sailboat, I haven’t gone out often enough!

Where can we find you on the web (website, blog, facebook)?

Website & blog: http://www.jenniferhaymore.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Jennifer-Haymore/661681396?sid=0
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jenniferhaymore

Thanks to Jennifer for stopping by!

Although Jennifer’s book isn’t out until June, one lucky person will win an arc of A Hint of Wicked! I can absolutely say I’m jealous! All you have to do is leave a comment. Read the blurb below!

CAUGHT BETWEEN DUTY AND DESIRE . . .Sophie, the Duchess of Calton, has finally moved on. After seven years mourning the loss of her husband, Garrett, at Waterloo, she has married his best friend and heir, Tristan. Sophie gives herself to him body and soul. . . until the day Garrett returns from the Continent, demanding his title, his lands-and his wife. TORN
BETWEEN TWO HUSBANDS . . .Now Sophie must choose between her first love and her new love, knowing that no matter what, her choice will destroy one of the men she adores. Will it be Garrett, her childhood sweetheart, whose loss nearly destroyed her once already? Or will it be Tristan, beloved friend turned lover, who supported her through the last, dark years and introduced her to a passion she had never known? As her two husbands battle for her heart, Sophie finds herself immersed in a dangerous game-where the stakes are not only love . . . but life and death.