Tell us something about yourself that you’ve never told in an interview. 
Hmm. Like what? Like… Peanut butter and pickle sandwiches are my comfort food? Or I think Lady Gaga and Katy Perry are talentless hacks? Or the show Forensic Files calms me down and helps me sleep? Oh, I know! I have a tattoo of a lizard on my ankle! How’s that?
You work part time, you have an amazing blog, you’re a book reviewer, you write your own books and you’re a mom. How in the world do you manage it all?
Well, if you promise not to tell the government, I secretly cloned myself so I can get everything done. LOL. Seriously, I just manage my time really well. I work part time in healthcare, so everything else except the kids goes around that. I feel like my interviews on the blog and book reviews help me be a better author. Ergo, I have my author schedule set up far in advance so I just have to post it come that time. I read my review books before going to bed. I write a little of my own manuscripts every morning and weekends. And spending time with my kids is rewarding and gives me inspiration to keep going. I feel showing them how hard I work at my drea
m teaches them a valuable lesson in how to obtain theirs someday, whatever that may be. (Currently they both want to be Spiderman.) To each his own.
Is there a dream author you’d love to interview on your blog, or one you have interviewed?
I’ve interviewed NY TIMES bestsellers Karen Rose, Larisa Ione, and Caridad Pineiro twice each. Which was so cool. But I’d love to have Carla Neggers or Nicholas Sparks one day. I’ve reviewed several of their books for their publishers, but haven’t been able to get them on. They did both however send me a nice email and signed the guestbook on my site.
You write children’s books, poetry and woman’s fiction (romance). Okay, tough question time… if you had to pick just one, which would it be?
LOL. Believe it or not, this isn’t a tough one. Romance was always my true callin
g. When I was a kid I began writing poetry as an outlet, and eventually had some published. When I had my kids, I started writing kids books and love it. But romance… there’s thousands of plots and characters in my head for future books.
For your children’s books, how do you find an illustrator, or do you draw the pictures yourself?
Actually, I’ve known my illustrator most of my life. She’s my best friend and an uber talented artist. She has a graphic design degree from UWM and works as a veterinary assistant. I tell her my ideas for a kids book, and like the story comes to me, the pictures come to her. It’s a great fit. She has a page on my Web site with some of her art if interested.
Can you tell us about your newest release?
Summer’s Road is a single title contemporary romance set in beautiful South Carolina. It’s not only a story about finding love right in front of you, but about home, grief, friendship, and forgiveness. Here’s a blurb:

After her father’s death, Summer Quinn realizes just how alone she feels in the world. With no family to fill her life now, she finds comfort among friends, but yearns for true love, contentment, and family. When her boyfriend, Matt, suggests they raise their relationship to a higher level, Summer jumps at the chance to get everything she’s always wanted. Only, she doesn’t expect the heat arising between her and her best friend, Ian – a man who never seems to settle down. A man the complete opposite of what she’s looking for. But when her estranged mother reappears after twenty-eight years, Summer’s world completely flips upside down. As secrets from her family’s past and Ian’s true feelings for her emerge, Summer’s now faced with choices she’s not sure she can make. The rest of her life’s happiness hinges on her confronting a past she’d rather deny and legitimately opening her heart to love, even if it’s not where she expected to find it.
What other books do you have available?
Idle Thursday (2009) is a literature novella told from the viewpoint of a dead housewife. The Tiny Caterpillar and the Great Big Tree (2009) was my first kids book about how the physical differences between us do not define who we are as an individual. And When the Leaves Stop Falling (2007) is a romance about four friends who are brought together by fate and their only chance for happiness is to forgive. That book placed was a finalist in the 2008 Best Books Awards and is being rereleased in hardcover soon.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on a non-fiction memoir that someone contacted me about back in August. I don’t normally write outside of romance or children’s books, but I couldn’t pass up this opportunity as it was once a high profile case. It’s near complete, and then we’ll start submitting. That’s about all I can say for now on that. I’m also halfway through a romantic suspense called
THE DRAKE HOUSE, and my second children’s book called
Thanks so much Kelly! To find out more about Kelly, visit her blog and website!
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