If you noticed I was rather quiet last week it was because I was in St. Petersburg, Florida. My husband’s grandparents live there and so when we go to the beach its usually that area. There’s something about the gulf side of Florida that is quite magical. The sands are light in color (in some instances almost white), the ocean is the perfect aqua blue, and the water shallow and warm. The wildlife is abundant and the shells plentiful. While there we saw plenty of dolphins and stingray. We even saw an Osprey dive into
the ocean and come up with a fish as big as the bird. Head to John’s Pass for shops and restaurants on the bay, or head further north for places right on the beach. My favorite place to go is Fort DeSoto. This is a historical fort built in the 1800s that you can visit for free(there are a couple toll booths on the way there). The Fort has some of the best beaches and shelling of the area. In the fall, I’ve been told to head to the Big Bend Power Plant if you want to see Manatee, which come toward the plant for its warm waters. Not far from Big Bend is Apollo Beach where one can find fossilized shark teeth. Both locations are next on
my list of places to visit. Let’s hope the oil spill doesn’t reach Florida.
Now for the giveaway. This one is again from me, so not signed. Lisa Kleypas is one of my favorite authors. Her newest historical is part of a series based on the Hathaway family. I was thrilled to see her newest release at the store today and had to pick one up for myself. But I also grabbed one for a giveaway. So if you’d like a chance to win Married by Morning, leave a comment and email addy! I’ll announce the winner on Thursday.