After an exhausting weekend, I finally managed to get The Ghost Hunter up on Smashwords and Amazon. Actually, my husband managed to get them up. And actually, it’s not available yet on Amazon, but waiting in line to be placed. 🙂 Hopefully it will be up today or tomorrow. But it is on Goodreads!

I admit some people haven’t been very supportive about my new journey. But I won’t focus on them because there have been too many incredibly supportive reviewers/friends who don’t normally read ebooks and have said yes to reviewing mine! I won’t name them all, but you’ll see who when I post links to reviews and interviews. Really, it’s very touching how many people are excited for me. Writing can be a lonely business and self publishing even more so. But doing this has really showed me how helpful and supportive people can be.

Anyway, I wanted to tell you a little about the main characters in The Ghost Hunter. And I admit, while writing this book, there were some actors that came to mind.

Ashley Hunter (Heroine): When Ashley Hunter inherits the Inn where her father mysteriously vanished years ago, she jumps at the chance to finally uncover the truth about his disappearance. But soon after taking ownership of the decrepit building, Ashley realizes she’s in for far more than she bargained. Not only has she inherited answers to many sought-after questions, she’s also inherited spirits, demons and even fallen angels! Then Cristian arrives, a gorgeous man who insists he merely needs a room to rent. She believes him, until one by one her ghosts start disappearing.

I couldn’t think of an actor that fit Ashley perfectly, but think of someone along the lines of Jennifer Garner when she was in Alias.
Cristian Lucius
As a fallen angel destined for a life of servitude, Cristian Lucius is relegated to protecting earth from unwanted spirits. But he can’t accomplish this daunting task alone. He requires assistance from the very woman who frustrates him as much as she intrigues him. Cristian is determined to ignore his intense attraction for Ashley, and focus on his mission. If they don’t work together, they won’t have a chance in hell of defeati
ng the demon threateningng their lives. The problem is getting Ashley to trust him. No easy task, for Cristian is the very man responsible for her father’s disappearance.

If you want to imagine Cristian, you could just look at my gorgeous cover, which fits him perfectly. Or you could imagine Gerard Butler.

Devon: A gorgeous ghost who quickly becomes Ashley’s protector. He’s obviously in love with Ashley, but does she feel the same way?Think of Alexander Skarsgard for Devon! If The Ghost Hunter sells well, perhaps Devon will get his own book 😉Camile: A young witch who becomes Ashley’s best friend.Camile was probably the easiest one to imagine. Every time I watched the show Being Human on BBC, the actor Lenora Crichlow (who plays Annie) came to mind.
So there you have it! My characters.

I’ll let you know as soon as The Ghost Hunter is available on Amazon!
Oh, and I forgot to mention, if you go to Smashwords, you can read a big chunk of the book for free! That way you can see if you’ll like it before you buy.