Last week I got an email from my wonderful editor Megan, telling me my cover flats were coming!

Great! I replied. I then immediately emailed my fellow Kensington author Kimberly Killion and asked her what the heck I was supposed to do with said cover flats. Basically, give them away, she explained. In case you don’t understand, the cover flats are the cover of the book… flattened. Apparently, authors give them out as gifts, or send them to book buyers, or attach them to arcs (copies of the book) that are sent to book reviewers.

When the cover flats arrived, I admit I felt sick to my stomach. A good sick. With trembling fingers I opened the envelope. They’re gorgeous! Even better than I imagined! To actually be able to hold something tangible, with embossed lettering and everything, well the feeling is amazing. It’s real!

Unfortunately, I can’t post a picture of my cover flats as we are between homes and I can’t find the cord to my digital camera. But, I can post a picture of the lovely bookmarks I just ordered! My talented cousin Aaron designed them for me and they should be arriving next week!

To celebrate, I’m giving away a signed cover flat of my book along with a $10 gift card to Barnes and Noble. You know the routine, just leave a comment and email addy! Three winners will be announced on Friday!

Next up, copy edits! Scary!

This just in! My favorite artist, Heather at Audrey Eclectic, is having a contest on her blog and giving away a print of her work! If you’ve read my blog, you know how much I adore her work. Stop by her blog for a chance to win! Click on the link below!