Hi all! I’m visiting one of my favorite artists today! Stop by Heather’s blog to read my interview and perhaps win a book! There’s also still time to vote on the best book covers! It’s super easy to do. No signing up, just clicking. As you can see, my book is there!

I just wanted to thank everyone for making the contest such an exciting event. I hope to have more in the future because I completely understand how hard it can be to get published.

I still haven’t heard from 5 finalists. Look at the post below to see if you’ve finaled! Please send me your page asap! The sooner you send them the sooner Megan can get back to me with the next set of finalists. The next set of finalists will be announced on my blog around Nov. 11th. Finalists, have those first chapters ready to go! No more than 15 pages.

Remember, if you didn’t final, or even if you did, my fellow Kensington author Beverley Kendall is having a similar contest. But be warned, she is going to be very strict about rules so be sure you study and follow them!

I’ve been so busy lately with guest blogging, being sick and this contest that I’ve gotten behind a little. If you won a book, I will be sending those soon! I still haven’t gotten my author copies but I’ll go out and get the book at a store if I have to. If you’re looking for my book, btw, I finally found it! There are plenty at Barnes and Noble and Borders.

Now, for the winner of the Anthea Lawson book….


Please email me your mailing address and I’ll send that to Anthea asap.

Have a good day everyone!