There’s still time to vote for the author book clubs on Bev’s forum! And even if you don’t want to vote for me, the forum really is a great site where you can discuss romance novels, so you might want to join anyway.
I’m reposting the rules for the writing contest which starts tomorrow!
What does the winner get? The chance to have their first 3 chapters read by Megan Records of Kensington Publishing!
Rules: please read below!
NEW Update- Times will most like be from 9am to 9pm eastern standard. If you are working or in another country, feel free to send your para/paragraphs to me and I’ll post them. But only if you are working or in another country!
-Only Unpublished writers (Published means by print publisher. Epublished can enter).
-Only unpublished Romance Manuscripts (sorry, no YA).
-Only finished manuscripts (or near to being finished)
-Limited to two entries per person. If I find out you have entered more, you will be disqualified.
-Obviously only your own work can be entered.
What happens Wednesday? Glad you asked!
-On Wednesday, October 28, when I put up the post to enter your manuscripts, you may start. Enter your first paragraph, not more than 150 words! Please also add your subgenre (paranormal, historical….), title and your first name. Also, if you want me to contact you and let you know you’ve finaled, you can add your email. If you don’t feel like adding your email, just first name and title will do.
-You can enter on Oct. 28th only! I will stop taking entries at 9 p.m. eastern time or when I reach 250 entries!
-Approximately 20 finalists will be picked to go on. These finalists will be listed on Nov. 3rd and will then have to email me their first page.
-Finalists/winners are not guaranteed to get published!
-I have no influence over finalists/winners. Megan will be picking them all. So please do not send me hate mail if you don’t final…send it to Megan. 😉
-Finally, if you are having a problem posting on my comments section (it’s been known to happen), email me your first para and I will post it for you. Please only send to my private email if you have tried to post and it didn’t work!
You can send emails to either:
lori at
loribrighton at
There have been some questions as to what you can post. Basically anything that Megan and Kensington would normally take. As you can see from the link, Megan has listed:
historical romance, paranormal romance, contemporary romance, urban fantasy, historical fiction, select women’s fiction
The fun starts tomorrow! Remember, when I put up the post that says Start Entering, you can, well, start!
If you have a question, leave it in the comments section below!