I suppose I’m the sort of person who believes that dwelling on the negative attracts more negative into your life. I’m trying to focus on the positive, but in our culture it’s hard. Very, very hard. It’s why I read romance. Even though the hero and heroine have to put up with a lot of drama, they still survive.
It’s the end of the week, and you’re probably already feeling pretty good. So, to help spur you forward into weekend bliss, I give you Warm Fuzzy Feeling Friday. The day when I’ll post something fun or positive. A story or clip that, like a picture of a fat fluffy kitty, or two adorable children, will stir those warm fuzzy feelings deep within your cold heart.
This week I saw the video of Susan Boyle. Perfect for Warm Fuzzy Friday! Yeah, well, by now everyone and their mother has seen it. If you’ve been living under a rock, here’s the link. Click on it now! I promise, you won’t be disappointed.
If there’s any day to feel happy, it’s definitely Friday. By the way, where did you find that picture of those kids? They are STUNNING.
I know! Aren’t they they most adorable children you’ve EVER seen?!
(In case you’re feeling left out, the adorable girl looking rather bored is me. While the adorable baby is my cousin Aaron. I saw this picture on Aaron’s facebook page and had to use it! 🙂
Hmmm…who oh who could those children be? I just want to squish your cheeks, Lori! You were so freaking cute! And Aaron, what a darling little baby!
I am one who avoids the evening news now. Shameless as it is…I watch “What not to wear” at 5 pm instead 😉 give me gratuitious shopping over bad news any day!!!
Lori, I loved the video!! I saw something similar in New York, but not this one. It does make me happy.
You were just a cute child. I want to squish your cheeks, too. lol
I loved that video, and very cute picture. 😀
Okay, so I just watched both of those videos (because I’ve been living under a rock) and now I’m crying at work. That was an awesome and uplifting post, Lori. Thanks for sharing! Even if I do feel a tad weird for sobbing at my computer…
Hooray Jennifer! Not horray that you cried and I broke your cold, hard heart, but hooray that I found someone who hasn’t seen the clip of Susan Boyle!
And yes, i was cute until about four. Went downhill from there. lol.
Heather, I love What Not to Wear!
Is it Warm Fuzzy Friday yet??????