Trading Cards… maybe

So, the place where I ordered my trading cards sent them via UPS. UPS left them on our front stoop in rainy weather. In other words they were destroyed. I’m trying to work with the trading card company to get UPS to refund, but everyone is being very...

Trading Cards!

I’ve gotten a few emails from readers asking for a bookmark, poster, something to go along with The Mind Readers Series.  I finally have something…. trading cards! It’s a big thing right now in the romance community and readers have been...

Unedited Excerpt: The Mind Games!

      “You sure you don’t want me to go through that gate with you?” Nora asked, her fingers tight around the steering wheel. I wasn’t the only one nervous.   The car bounced along the road, making my already upset stomach clench....


I’m doing a giveaway! Haven’t had one in awhile and never for a YA audience. Of course anyone can enter, male or female, YA or Adult! At the beginning of summer we went to Disney World. Yeah, fairy tales and happily ever after… I’m a romance...

Why Do I Curse in my YAs?

Recently a reader emailed me asking why I cursed in my YA books when she didn’t think it was needed. I have had about 3 emails asking me the same thing. Keep in mind, this is 3 out of about 2000 emails I’ve gotten about The Mind Readers books. As I replied...

An Exhausting Month

I’ve gotten a lot of emails lately. So many that I seriously need an assistant to keep up! Most are for The Mind Readers series. I’m trying desperately to respond to them all, but please forgive me if I miss one. This month has been ridiculously busy. Not...